Avv. Francesca Pietrangeli

002 sala-riunione


Maria Teresa Spagnoletti Zeuli

Born in Rome on 15 June, 1947.

She graduated in Law from the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, with a thesis in International Law.
Member of the Rome Bar, Special Register “Avvocati Professori Universitari” since 1999; member of the Rome Bar since December 2011.
Admitted to practise before the (Italian) Higher Courts since 2009.

Language skills
Italian, English, French and German.



Practice areas
Private international law; international protection of human rights; international civil service law; international law; international and European civil procedure; citizenship and status of stateless persons.

Membership in Professional Associations, accreditations and pleading
Member of the Rome Bar.
Admitted to practise before the (Italian) Higher Courts.
She has pleaded before the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.

Professional experience
She joined the Firm as Of Counsel in 2009.
From 1995 to 2005 she collaborated steadily with the Enciclopedia Giuridica of the Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana – Treccani in relation to the following subjects: international law, private international law, international civil procedure, EU law.

Società Italiana di Diritto Internazionale e di Diritto dell'Unione europea (SIDIDUE) since l995.


She was Assistant Professor of International Law at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Faculty of Law (until December 2010).

Teaching appointments
She taught International Law at the Faculty of Economics, University of Cassino (AYs from 2001-2002 until 2003-2004).
She taught International Trade Law at the Faculty of Economics, University of Cassino (AYs from 1994-1995 until 2000/2001).
Adjunct Professor of International Organization of Labour at the Scuola di Perfezionamento in Diritto sindacale, del lavoro e della previdenza sociale, University of Rome “La Sapienza” (AYs from 1990-1991 until 1998-1999).
Adjunct Professor of Comparative Private International Law at the Scuola di Perfezionamento in Comparazione giuridica su base romanistica, University of Rome “La Sapienza” (AYs from 1992-1993 to 1994-1995).

Other research and teaching
She gave lectures on private international law, international civil procedure and international trade law at several institutions and bodies, among which the University of Rome “La Sapienza” and the “Scuola di Management” at the University “Luiss-Guido Carli”  in Rome.
She participated as a speaker in conferences and workshops.
Author of publications on private international law, international civil procedure and international law and co-author of the book Capotorti, Starace, Villani, Adam, Carella, Spagnoletti Zeuli, Mori, “La giurisprudenza italiana di diritto internazionale privato e processuale - Repertorio 1967-1990”, Giuffrè, Milan, 1991.