Public International Law
Pietrangeli Law Firm deals with disputes before Italian courts between private entities and foreign States (or, in their place, their Embassies or Academies) or between private entities and International Organizations, with particular consideration for the issues of immunity of foreign States and International Organizations from Italian jurisdiction.
We also handles immunity of diplomatic and consular agents, immunity of representatives of foreign States and immunity of officials of International Organizations.
In addition to dealing with disputes, we also offers legal advice and assistance with regard to employment relationships and other contracts with Embassies and with regard to contracts between International Organizations and private entities not falling within International Civil Service (such as, for instance, the procurement contracts concluded by legal persons with International Organizations).
Finally, our firm handles all the cases entailing the interpretation and application of international rules, deriving both from customary law and from treaties, conventions or other international instruments, including those concerning International Environmental Law and International Trade law.
As regards the experience acquired over the years, it should be noted that:
➢ Francesca Pietrangeli was a member of the defence team of the People’s Republic of China in the proceedings concerning the well-known case of the building housing the branch office of the Chinese Embassy in Rome (Court of Cassation sitting en banc, judgment 1st July 2008, No. 19600, Ministero degli affari esteri v. Immobiliare Villa ai Pini s.r.l. and Repubblica Popolare Cinese, in Rivista di diritto internazionale privato e processuale, 2009, 427 et seq.) and of the defence team of the Federative Republic of Brazil in the proceedings concerning the planning of high speed train services (Court of Cassation sitting en banc, order dated 1st April 2015 No. 6603, Repubblica Federativa del Brasile v. Soc. Italplan Engineering Environment & Transports, in Foro italiano, 2015, I, 2405 et seq.). She was also consultant for foreign cultural entities and International Organizations in individual labour disputes.